
Showing posts from June, 2018

Happy Hug Day Everyone!

Happy Hug Day Everyone! “ National Hug Holiday Day was created by the “Hugs for Health Foundation” for the belief that hugs, friendship and support are vital components to an overall health plan. Hugs promote a more positive outlook and enhance the quality of ones life.”  So make someone’s day and spread the love 😊 (Unless you’re uncomfortable with physical contact, then good vibes work too.) Behind the Comic : A while ago we were rewatching the Alien franchise when we came across a moment in the film that caused a reaction that we’re pretty sure the filmmakers probably had not intended and that was laughter. the scene we’re talking about is in the first Alien movie (1979) when the character Dallas is in the ships vents looking for the alien and finds it. When we saw this scene of the alien with its arms outstretched and opened wide all we could think was “Somebody just needs a hug”, and this is what inspired us for today’s comic. ~ Stay Obsessed