
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hey, Wanna Hear Something Scary?

Tricks and Treats     Halloween the spookiest day of the year, when the leaves start to fall off their bony branches, and the wind starts to howl. The one day a year when you can dress up as anything you wanna be!     In Last years’ comic Mandy dressed up as Batman declaring Justice has no gender and you can dress up as whoever you want. This prompted Rosie to want to dress up as the Flash the fastest person alive!     In this years’ comic we can see that she finally got to make her dream come true.  We can see her excitedly showing off how fast she is. So Fast! Sososo Fast!! The Fastest!! 
     Haru , our little mischief maker, couldn't just let her enjoy it... This comic was inspired by a Terry Pratchett quote that goes “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”     We understand that this comic might be a bit darker than some of our other

Today's Special is Promised Neverland

    Studio: CloverWorks  |  12 episodes  |  Watch on: Crunchyroll, Hulu, Funimation, Hidive   Anime Review: Promised Neverland     Horror is defined as “an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear”. Personally, we can’t think of a better word to describe Promised Neverland. Which is why we’re recommending it as 2019’s must-see Horror Anime – perfect for this spooky Month.     Not only does it have one of the best-told stories out of this year’s anime crop, it’s also guaranteed to have you sitting on the edge of your seat.  (We know we were)     It starts off innocently enough when we’re introduced to Emma, a girl living in an orphanage with 37 other children, and their caretaker Isabella whom/who they lovingly refer to as “Mother”. All of the children are under the age of 12, and Emma along with her two best friends Norman and Ray are the three oldest, each being 11-years-old. At first glance

Happy World Arthritis Day!

Hey everyone! It’s Rosie again (๑>◡<๑) I just wanted to welcome you all to our very first H.A.R.U post, which will be a part of a bigger segment known as the Health and Recovery Unit. This segment was named after our invisible illnesses mascot Haru; if you’d like to learn more about him and how he came to be you can click here . Now on to the main event - I t’s fall here in Canada, the leaves are changing colours, the days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping, and I’m sure many arthritis sufferers can feel it in their bones… In honour of World Arthritis Day (October 12 th ) I wanted to talk about what arthritis is, my experience with it, and the tricks I’ve picked up along the way. So let’s get started! First of all, what is Arthritis? Arthritis is sort of an umbrella term used to describe an inflammation of the joint; and it can affect one or more joints throughout the body. What exactly is a joint? A joint is a place where two or more bones meet; and s

Who's This?

Hey Everyone! It’s Rosie here ( ๑ > ◡ < ๑ ) You may have seen our previous comic “What are you barking at?” . In it we promised we’d share our second theory with you as to what we believe Zora, our furling, has been barking at. It will require some back story, so bear with us.   If you’ve read some of our other posts then you may already know I live with a few invisible chronic illnesses. It has definitely had its hurtles (good thing I was a fan of track & field). Some days it feels too hard to deal with; but throughout the years my sister Mandy has always tried to help me laugh about it and to look for the silver lining in things. She somehow always manages to find the best out of a bad situation. During one afternoon while we were watching TV, Zora scared us when she spontaneously started to furiously bark. Even after muting the TV we couldn’t hear anything, so we went to investigate what she could be barking at. She seemed to be particularly fixated in the directi

What Are You Barking At?

If you have a furling you’ve in all likelihood experienced that terrifying moment (usually when its dark out and you’re home all alone) when your dog starts barking, and then when you look to see what’s causing it, there’s absolutely nothing there… We know we certainly have, especially with our furling Zora. We’re convinced it’s become a hobby of hers, that and collecting socks of course. We have a few theories as to why she does this, with two of them being at the forefront. One is that since we sometimes throw socks in her direction to distract her from her incessant barking, we think this might all be part of her ploy to acquire more socks for her ever growing collection, or theory number two there actually is something there after all 😱  “What?” you might be wondering, well we’ll reveal the answer next week in our next post. Till then, ~ Stay Obsessed