
Showing posts from March, 2021

Metropolis: Will Mankind Destroy Itself?

Metropolis - An Anime Review Hi Everyone!   Today we decided to look at another anime classic that further helped Japanese animation gain a foothold here in the West. We’re of course talking about the 2001 animated sci-fi film Metropolis by studio Madhouse, which was directed by anime veteran Rintaro (Galaxy Express 999) , and written by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) . Not too shabby.    The film was based on the manga Metropolis, which was created by none other than the Godfather of Manga himself, Osamu Tezuka, who most will associate with the Astro Boy series. When creating his manga, Tezuka was in turn influenced by a still image of Fritz Lang’s 1927 silent film also titled Metropolis, which he saw in an article as a teen. This image sparked Tezuka’s curiosity as to what the future would look like should both humans and robots co-exist. Spoiler the fact that Osamu Tezuka ended his Metropolis manga with the line “Perhaps, might the day not come when humans also become too advanced and, in

Jump into Feudal Japan with Inuyasha

Studio: Sunrise  |  Released: 2000  |  Duration: 193 Episodes + 4 Movies  |  Streaming on: Crunchyroll , Funimation , Netflix, Hulu Inuyasha - An Anime Review Hi Everyone, If you have seen some of our other posts, this one in particular , then you will probably already have a pretty good idea of how much we love the anime Inuyasha. Like it might just be our favourite anime series of all time, that’s how much we love it. So when we were thinking about which anime to showcase for our Lazy Lion YouTube channel’s one-year anniversary, it had to be Inuyasha. You can check out our full review video here , or you can continue scrolling down where we will discuss some of the themes found in Inuyasha along with some other tidbits. So first off, what is Inuyasha all about? Inuyasha is an adventure fantasy shounen anime based on Rumiko Takahashi’s incredible long-running manga series. We would also classify it as an Isekai story since one of our main characters Kagome is transported from present-