
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Immune System ft. the Coronavirus

Disclaimer: Haru is not a real doctor, please consult your physicians with any questions. Haru encourages everyone to do their own research and ask questions. The Immune System ft. the Coronavirus There’s been a lot of talk about the Coronavirus  (aka. Covid19)  and germs and how to stay healthy in the middle of it all. 
 As someone who has a compromised immune system, I thought I could add a different perspective to this whole situation. Before we start I’d like it to be known that this post is in no way meant to add to the hysteria, the purpose is merely to inform and spread awareness in these uncertain times.  
 Panicking is the worst thing to do in these situations, so staying calm and keeping a cool head is priority number #1! This allows us to think clearly about what needs to be done. Now in most situations if you have a healthy immune system you should be fine, just  continue  to practice  good hygiene . The people who are most at risk by this pandemic are those wi


Comic:  A-Salt! Just when you thought spring had finally arrived - I mean it is March after all! - Winter decides to hit us with another snow fall or freezing rain or cold snap... So here’s our little tribute comic to the ongoing war on winter. Hope you enjoy it 😊 ~ Stay Obsessed