What Are You Barking At?

If you have a furling you’ve in all likelihood experienced that terrifying moment (usually when its dark out and you’re home all alone) when your dog starts barking, and then when you look to see what’s causing it, there’s absolutely nothing there… We know we certainly have, especially with our furling Zora. We’re convinced it’s become a hobby of hers, that and collecting socks of course. We have a few theories as to why she does this, with two of them being at the forefront. One is that since we sometimes throw socks in her direction to distract her from her incessant barking, we think this might all be part of her ploy to acquire more socks for her ever growing collection, or theory number two there actually is something there after all 😱  “What?” you might be wondering, well we’ll reveal the answer next week in our next post. Till then,

~ Stay Obsessed  


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