Hey, Wanna Hear Something Scary?

Tricks and Treats

    Halloween the spookiest day of the year, when the leaves start to fall off their bony branches, and the wind starts to howl. The one day a year when you can dress up as anything you wanna be!

    In Last years’ comic Mandy dressed up as Batman declaring Justice has no gender and you can dress up as whoever you want. This prompted Rosie to want to dress up as the Flash the fastest person alive!

    In this years’ comic we can see that she finally got to make her dream come true.  We can see her excitedly showing off how fast she is. So Fast! Sososo Fast!! The Fastest!! 

    Haru, our little mischief maker, couldn't just let her enjoy it... This comic was inspired by a Terry Pratchett quote that goes “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

    We understand that this comic might be a bit darker than some of our other ones, but dealing with chronic illnesses can sometimes take you to a dark place. What you choose to do once you get there determines Who you are.

     You can either choose to let the darkness consume you, or you can choose to keep your light burning and push the darkness back, always acknowledging that the darkness is still there but never letting it become all you are. 

    Rosie might seem defeated now, but let’s see if she remains that way -  (My money’s on her)

~ Stay Obsessed


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