Who's This?

Hey Everyone! It’s Rosie here (><)

You may have seen our previous comic “What are you barking at?”. In it we promised we’d share our second theory with you as to what we believe Zora, our furling, has been barking at. It will require some back story, so bear with us.
If you’ve read some of our other posts then you may already know I live with a few invisible chronic illnesses. It has definitely had its hurtles (good thing I was a fan of track & field). Some days it feels too hard to deal with; but throughout the years my sister Mandy has always tried to help me laugh about it and to look for the silver lining in things. She somehow always manages to find the best out of a bad situation.

During one afternoon while we were watching TV, Zora scared us when she spontaneously started to furiously bark. Even after muting the TV we couldn’t hear anything, so we went to investigate what she could be barking at. She seemed to be particularly fixated in the direction of the living room, but when we checked there was absolutely nothing there! This phenomenon happened a few more times after that. At first we were worried that her eyesight might be bad and that she was just catching moving shadows so we made an appointment with the vet. After an exam the vet told us that Zora’s vision was totally fine, and yet it kept happening. This is when Mandy joked that what if Zora’s eyesight wasn’t bad, but was in fact just really good. So good in fact that she could see through the veil and see ghosts? Then we began to joke about how this ghost is probably just my illnesses following me around and Zora is telling it to go away and leave me alone. The more we joked about it, the more we liked the idea, it made sense since both this ghost and my illnesses are invisible, and just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. We decided this little ghost needed a name, and thus Haru was born.

Here is Haru, the anthropomorphization of my invisible illnesses.
Look for him in future comics, we also have a new segment, called the H.A.R.U segment, where I’ll be discussing some of my illnesses and how I deal with them. You can check out our first H.A.R.U. blog post HERE.

~ Stay Obsessed


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